Due to the success of the previous two YAMM lunches at the GAMM Annual Meetings in Ilmenau/Weimar (2017) and Munich (2018), the GAMM Juniors have organized the YAMM lunch for the third time, taking place during the Annual Meeting in Vienna in 2019. This event addressed young scientists and established experts working in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics.

During this year’s YAMM lunch, we have welcomed twelve experts who represent different stages of the academic career path. An abundant buffet was served in the Kleiner Festsaal at the University of Vienna, which created a festive atmosphere due to its rich décor. The lunch started with a short opening by the organizers, who introduced all experts briefly. Afterwards, intensive discussions among participants and experts started. In contrast to the previous years, a specific topic was not selected in advance such that discussions were free to evolve about various topics, such as general experiences in science, career strategies, as well as challenges in academia, such as finding a good balance between work in science and private life. Once again, the interest of participants in the YAMM lunch was very high, i.e. all available tickets for the lunch had been sold out rapidly, such that the GAMM Juniors plan to organize the YAMM lunch for the fourth time during the GAMM Annual Meeting in Kassel next year.

The GAMM Juniors would like to thank all experts taking part in this event, sharing their personal experiences and giving valuable advice, thus contributing to the succes of this events. Many thanks of the GAMM Juniors are also addressed to the local organizing committee for their support during the organization of the YAMM.
Johanna Eisenträger, Tobias Kaiser, Christoph Meier