All activities of the GAMM Juniors and a short description of each project can be found in the following list:
- Pre-GAMM – an event preparing young researchers for our annual conference
- GAMM poster session – the presentation of our scientific work during the GAMM annual meeting
- YAMM Lunch – a lunch where experts exchange their insights with young researchers
- GAMM Archive for Students (GAMMAS) – our own journal, which allows undergraduate students the publication of their scientific results
- Mentoring for GAMM Juniors – connecting GAMM Juniors members as mentees with a mentor from academia or industry to advance their careers
- Mentoring from GAMM Juniors – here GAMM Juniors are the mentors, supporting young researchers at the beginning of their PhD
- GAMM Juniors Summer Schools (SAMM) – an annual summer school dedicated to a current research topic hosted by our group
- Science communication – showcasing our work and sparking interest among school pupils
- Knowledge Briefs – monthly online presentations to introduce a specific topic, which are open for everyone interested
Beside that the GAMM juniors are involved in the following:
Contribution to the GAMM-Rundbrief
The GAMM Juniors regularly publish written contributions in the GAMM-Rundbrief, to inform every member of the GAMM about successful past events and activities and also events planned in the future.
Connections to the local GAMM Student Chapters
The GAMM Juniors keep close contact to the local GAMM Student Chapters (GAMM Nachwuchsgruppe). The aim of these groups is to promote exchange between young scientists and also students on a local (university-wide) level, by joint activities such as inviting lecturers and visiting talks, academic lunches and much more.