GAMM Archive for Students

What is the GAMM Archive for Students?

GAMM Archive for Students (GAMMAS) is an online open-access journal published by the GAMM Juniors for undergraduate research in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics. The journal aims at providing a platform for students to share their results with the scientific community. All submitted manuscripts undergo peer review. Publication in GAMMAS is free of charge. 

If you are a student or have recently graduated, we encourage you to submit scientific results obtained during your studies. This can include parts of your thesis, but also work you have done during an internship, or while working as a student assistant.

The current issue and all previous issues can be found here.

GAMMAS Best Paper Award

Initiated in 2021, the GAMMS Best Paper Award aims at honoring the best GAMMAS publication among all submissions on an annual schedule. The award comes with a prize money that the authors can spend on their scientific and academic advancement.

Winners of previous GAMMAS Best Paper Awards

The GAMM Juniors sincerely congratulate the authors for their outstanding work.