GAMM Student Chapter Science Slam 2023

The first GAMM Student Chapter Science Slam took place in Hannover on 30th June 2023. The aim of the event was to promote the exchange and interconnection between the GAMM Student Chapter groups of Bochum, Hamburg and Hannover and give especially young academics an opportunity to present their research in a more casual scope. For that purpose, a single day event was held at the Leibniz University Hannover.

After a joint lunch and the opening, the program started with a keynote talk from industry. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Welschinger (Senior Expert) and Kevin Heiner (Human Resources) presented their employer, the Robert Bosch GmbH. The talk included a Q&A session, Fabian Welschinger highlighting important decisions in his career at the company and Kevin Heiner discussing the importance of different career management skills in a videogame-inspired style.

Following the keynote talk, ten speakers from the different Student Chapter groups presented topics in the fields of material modeling, speed-up of simulations, applied mathematics and biomechanics. Albeit the varying scientific background of the audience, all speakers successfully managed to give an insight into their research. To stay true to the idea of a Science Slam, some talks included jokes, memes, and even a rhyme. In the afternoon, the social program of the event began with a visit to Herrenhausen Gardens. Following this, we had joint dinner in a local restaurant, before the groups returned home.

We would like to thank the GAMM for the financial support of the Student Chapters, making this event possible. Furthermore, we would like to thank Dr. Fabian Welschinger and Kevin Heiner from Robert Bosch GmbH, all the speakers and the local organizers for their valuable contributions to the event.

Mischa Blaszczyk, Christoph Böhm, Hendrik Geisler, Katharina Klioba