In 2023, the annual fall meeting of the GAMM Juniors took place in Zurich at the ETH from 09.10. to 11.10. and was organized by Jan-Hendrik Bastek (second deputy speaker) and Alexander Henkes. The three days were used to present our research, report on ongoing activities of our group, plan future events and get into contact with the main organization. Furthermore, group activities and mutual dinners were a nice way to promote group affiliation.

The meeting started on Monday with a welcome from our host Alexander Henkes. Following that, two scientific talks were held by GAMM Juniors, presenting their research to the group. For lunch our group had the honor to visit Dozentenfoyer at the top of ETH Zurichs main building. After the break, activity reports were discussed. While some successful projects continue (e.g. Pre-GAMM, YAMM Lunch), the mentoring program was fruitfully provided for the first time this year. Group discussion on new projects, e.g. science communication, which is planned for the upcoming year, took place. In the evening, we met in the city for mutual dinner.

On Tuesday, all focus was on the Q&A Zoom sessions with Prof. Claudia Schillings (Member of GAMMs future committee) and Prof. Karsten Urban (President of GAMM), which took our questions regarding our role within GAMM and future prospects. We would like to thank both of you for your time and the thriving discussions. Furthermore, another group discussion and a scientific talk from our group took place. In the evening, we again met for mutual dinner. On Wednesday, we hiked up to the summit of Uetliberg, from where we had a great view on the city, Lake Zurich and the alps.

On behalf of all members, we once again thank Jan-Hendrik Bastek and Alexander Henkes for the organization of the event and for the great time we had in Zurich.
Mischa Blaszczyk