The fall meeting is the major annual event of the GAMM Juniors. The three days of the meeting are a great opportunity for members of the GAMM Juniors to present aspects of their research, to get to know each other in an informal setting, and to organize future events and activities. This year, the fall meeting was organized by the second deputy speaker of the GAMM Juniors, Robert Martin, at the University of Duisburg-Essen from September 5 to 7.

On the first day of the meeting, a small workshop was held for which each participant had prepared a short introductory presentation about the most important aspects and research questions of his/her academic field. The goal of each presentation was to provide an overview about the most significant concepts and goals of the respective field rather than discussing a single result in greater detail. This way, the participants were able to gain a basic understand- ing of each other’s research and to identify often surprising connections with their own work. Many GAMM Juniors particularly enjoyed the collaborative and informal atmosphere of the workshop, which will hopefully spark interdisciplinary cooperations and foster the academic exchange between mathematicians and engineers within the GAMM.
The two remaining days of the meeting were mostly devoted to reviewing past and organizing future events and activities. This included for instance the Young Researchers Meet Mentors (YAMM) lunch (formerly known as Young Academics in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), which will bring together young researchers and experienced members of the academic community in an informal atmosphere for the third time at the GAMM annual meeting in Vienna in 2019. We also made significant progress towards the final version of the website of our new undergraduate research journal GAMM Archive for Students (GAMMAS), including the design of a new logo. We are proud that the first submission for the journal is currently in revision and hope that it will be the first of many articles to come. Another creative task carried out during the meeting was the design of a new logo for the GAMM Juniors. Based on a first draft made by Junior Philipp Morgenstern, we created a new version that will be presented soon.

We are very grateful to Robert Martin for hosting the fall meeting and for organizing a very enjoyable social program. We also want to thank all participants for their contributions and for the good time we had together in Essen!
Benjamin Unger, Rafael Reisenhofer