Evelyn Herberg studied Business Mathematics at the University of Hamburg, where she graduated in 2017. She received her M.Sc. degree with a Master thesis on variational discretization of parabolic control problems in space-time measure spaces.
After graduation, she stayed at University of Hamburg to work as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Hinze in the Department of Mathematics. In 2019 she followed her supervisor and moved to University of Koblenz, where she completed her PhD with a dissertation on sparse discretization of sparse control problems with measures in 2021. Subsequently, she spent one year as a postdoctoral researcher in the USA at George Mason University within the Center for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (CMAI) of Prof. Dr. Harbir Antil. Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at Heidelberg University within the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) in the group of Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog.
Her research is located mainly at the intersection of optimal control with partial differential equations and Mathematical Machine Learning, with the goal to obtain a rigoros mathematical understanding of Machine Learning problems.