Georg Heinze

Georg Heinze studied Sensing and Cognitive Psychology as well as Physics at Chemnitz University of Technology, obtaining two B.Sc. in 2017 and 2018, respectively. He then switched to Mathematics, where he was particularly interested in the analysis of partial differential equations, receiving his in 2020.

He started out his PhD studies in Chemnitz and then followed his supervisor Jan-Frederik Pietschmann to the University of Augsburg, where he finished his PhD in 2024. His thesis is titled “Graph-based nonlocal gradient systems and their local limits”. Since December 2023 he is a member of the Research Group “Partial Differential Equations” of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin.

His research revolves around the analysis of evolution equations, in particular (generalized) gradient flows, from a variational perspective. Two of his main focus points are problems with multiple scales and the derivation of macroscopic models from microscopic descriptions. Furthermore, he has a particular interest for models with multiple species and nonlocal interactions.