Benedikt Gräßle

Benedikt Gräßle pursued a dual degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and was later also inducted into the Berlin Mathematical School. He began his doctoral studies in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Carsten Carstensen, focusing on a posteriori error control for finite element methods (FEM). After completing his PhD in 2024, he is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich.

Benedikt’s research spans several key areas in the numerical treatment of partial differential equations (PDE). His work includes a posteriori error analysis for Galerkin and non-standard FEM, convergence analysis for rate-optimal schemes using adaptive mesh-refinement, the development of fast solvers, and the high-precision computation of eigenvalue problems and semilinear fourth-order equations. Another focus of his research is on numerical verification methods for semilinear problems that enable the verification of essential theoretical assumptions — such as desired solution properties — with applications in computer-assisted proofs.

As a postdoctoral scientist, he extends his expertise and develops stable boundary integral formulations for scattering problems in unbounded domains. He is particularly interested in the efficient discretisation of transmission problems involving heterogeneous or layered media, which have crucial applications in fields like acoustic modelling, specifically in noise propagation around acoustic obstacles.