The autumn meeting of the GAMM Juniors took place from 27 to 29 September in the beautiful city of Vienna. By organizing the meeting outside of Germany for the first time, we hope to contribute to the ambition of the GAMM to be an international organization. The meeting was mainly organized by Melanie, who works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics at the TU Wien.
Also for the first time, a short collaborative workshop was held on the first day of the meeting. The main goal of this workshop was to promote academic exchange between GAMM Juniors working in different fields and disciplines. We hope that all participants gained a basic understanding of the biggest questions, challenges and tools from other academic fields and we intend to host a similar workshop again at the autumn meeting next year.
The remaining two days of the meeting were devoted to the organization of various projects and events such as the YAMM 2018 “Family and Academic Career”, which will be organized by Benjamin and Lutz at the annual GAMM meeting in Munich. We also made significant progress in setting up our undergraduate research journal and managed to make the first complete test runs from submission to publication with Open Journal Systems. Another major topic was the preparation of our input for the upcoming meeting of the GAMM Future Committee (Zukunftsausschuss).
Besides hard work and academic exchange, we also found some time to enjoy Vienna and its surroundings. Melanie had organized a beautiful evening sightseeing tour through the city center as well as trip to the Kahlenberg, where we could enjoy some Sturm (young wine) directly at the vineyard.