Andreas started studying mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Gießen in 2014. In 2017, he left Gießen with a premature Bachelor’s degree and went to the University of Kassel for the Master’s degree, where he deepened his mathematical and physical skills with subjects like higher theoretical mechanics, vector and tensor analysis, etc.
His master’s thesis with the aim of microphsical modeling of self heating in ferroelectrics due to intrinsic dissipation processes, ended up with a publication, which was also the start of his PhD project in 2018 under supervision of Prof. Andreas Ricoeur at the chair of Engineering Mechanics / Continuum Mechanics (University of Kassel).
His interests lie in the microphysical modeling of dissipative processes in smart materials, which involve a variety of complex phenomena. Due to their nature, such processes involve multilaterally coupled multi-field problems, requiring an in-depth understanding of the physical interactions taking place within the system. This, in turn, requires detailed analytical and numerical studies to accurately model and analyze such processes.